About Us
Our Mission Statement: To Inspire everyday excellence through partnership and innovation in UK audiology.

The Interacoustics UK Story
Interacoustics UK was established in 2011 to provide advice and support to healthcare professionals based in the UK. We are part of the Demant Group, one of the largest hearing healthcare providers in the world and we share our UK head office with Oticon, Oticon Medical and Bernafon.
From an initial team of 2 we have grown over the years and now have 14 team members dedicated to supporting our customers to deliver the very best diagnostic solutions for their patients.
As a division of the world’s largest supplier of diagnostic equipment we appreciate that the only way to fully understand our customers’ needs is to work closely with them on issues that are important to them. By doing this we are able to design and manufacture equipment across the whole audiological spectrum.
To find out more about Interacoustics.com and our global team click here.